
Monday 6 July 2015

#2 Book Review - Diary of A Young Girl: Anne Frank

Hey guys!

Thank you so much for being patient for the lack of posts on my blog. I just sat for Accounting mid terms and had to dive right away into an assignment, then I had to sleep for 2 days cause, you know, last minute assignments = sleepless nights.

So I'm going to get into the 2nd book review! If you haven't read my 1st book review, I will link it here. My 2nd book review is about - Diary of A Young Girl: Anne Frank

This book is literally a diary of Anne Frank, a thirteen-year old girl who went into hiding with her family during the Holocaust. 

Just as the Nazis occupied Holland in 1942, a Jewish family with a thirteen-year old girl fled home to go into hiding and succeeded in eluding the dreaded Gestapo for two years.

The girl, Anne Frank, wrote her diary till the family were betrayed and caught. While Anne Frank, her mother and her sister eventually perished in captivity - in concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen - her beloved father Otto Frank survived the Holocaust.

Her Diary survived too, for the invading Gestapo thought the papers as a heap of 'scrap'. The edited version of the manuscript was published after the War. Since then it has been extensively filmed and widely translated.

The diary contains Anne Frank's vivid impressions during the lengthy isolation and offers a fascinating insight into her bold personality.

So, hopefully you guys will enjoy this book! I greatly do recommend it because it is very interesting to see a young girl's perspective of the war around her. Though it can be a bit sad at times, but it was fun and refreshing to read Anne Frank's view of the war and the situation she was in. 

I would give this book a 10/10!

Fun fact: The mystery that was plaguing the mind's of everyone was - who was the person who betrayed Anne Frank's family? Rumours were saying that it was someone close to the family who betrayed them. And apparently they were right! The individual was finally identified! You can read the short article here!

I bought this book from Popular, however, I can't seem to remember the exact price. Sorry guys!

Till the next time,

Monday 15 June 2015

What a day - A cold, cold, wet day

So.. the new semester has started. And it's a short sem. And I'm taking 3 subjects (Qualitative Methods, Conflict Theory & Resolution and Accouting). Yes, I'm a Psych student and I'm taking accounting. Its my elective and it's useful for the future, so stop giving me that weird look. Kidding! Heh.

I'm now currently sitting outside of class waiting for the tutor to come in for tutorials to start. I'm here all alone coz I skipped class this morning. Just out of the blue, I don't want to go to class. Maybe it the weather or the stress or maybe it's the cold weather and the cold classrooms, but all I want to do is go home, curl up in bed and drink a hot cup of coffee. And eat chocolates. Yeah, chocolates seem nice right now. And u know what else? A bowl of soup.

Darn this Malaysia weather, where everything is so unpredictable. I just can't seem to wear the right clothes. I wear skirts when it's cold and jeans when its hot. And get my jeans wet when it rains. And not wear my shoes when it rains. So now I'm just sitting outside of classroom, freezing and shivering coz I got my jeans wet. And my feet is cold too.


I just realised I'm rambling about the weather and stress. Its the first time I've updated since ages and you're reading about my rambles. Teehee.

That's all for now!

Thursday 15 January 2015

Book Haul

Hey guys,

So the Big Bad Wolf Sale 2014 finally happened! And I gladly took the opportunity to visit my first loves, books of course. The boyfriend, my sister and I went to MIECC together by public transport. And I'm telling you travelling by Komuter as well as walking to the destination, was very much worth it. Anything for books I say!

After 3 hours of browsing, I finally decided on these books. They are Jodi Picoult's Vanishing Acts, Agatha Christie's Mystery Collection, Thomas Enger's ScarredThe Memory of Love by Aminatta Forna, The Mammoth Book of Best British Mysteries and lastly, Stephen King's 3-in-1 Novels (CarrieSalem's Lot and The Shining). 

Damn, the books were affordable and cheap. I bought these all for less than RM60! Truly a great bargain right? Unfortunately I was not allowed to purchase more books by my mum as she wanted me to concentrate on my studies instead. She knows when I start reading, the world will cease to exist around me and she doesn't want that. Hehe. 

Interesting fact; there were over 4 MILLION books on sale that day! I wish I could buy them all! Sadly, I'm not earning and I had to use my savings to purchase them. One day, I will be those people who brings their suitcases to events like this! Heh. 
Also, the books were ranged from RM8 to RM30. The books that were priced much higher came in boxed sets or a few books compiled in a single book. 

And Thomas Enger's Scarred is the sequel to Pierced which I did a review on here.

I think this sale is the best book sale in Malaysia as there were many sections available for people who have no interest in purchasing fictional books. There were sections for non-fiction books, books for children and toddlers, puzzles, cook-books, self-help books and even joke books. 

I can''t wait for the next sale already although I haven't read all the books. Yet. 

I will blog reviews of these books soon!


Back after Ages!!

Hey guys,

Truly sorry for being absent for 5 months! Been so busy with uni life (assignments, quizzes and finals), as well as visits from relatives during my term break. I just didn't have the energy to blog even when I had some free time, as I really just wanted to sit down and relax with a good book. Plus I was too busy bonding with my family.. teehee.

I'm in second semester now! I'm finally doing my degree in Psychology and well I'm pretty psych about it! Even if I'm still learning the basics, I'm enjoying what I've been learning.

And I'm pretty proud of myself for obtaining good results. Though it wasn't a 4 flat grade or whatever, a grade below that is pretty good, and now I know I actually have the capabilities of achieving so much more :)

I will try to update as much as I can, as soon as possible of course. It's only the first week of the semester, and I'm already bogged down with assignments. Sheesh.

That's all for now!


Saturday 30 August 2014

A week in University

Hey guys!

I'm officially a degree student now! Yaayy! I passed calculus. I'm so glad the hardwork I put in actually paid off.

First week of university made me pretty nervous because I had to make new friends. I'm technically a shy person so making new friends is considered hard to me. I mean I'm not the type of person who would go to a stranger and say 'hello, what's your name? It's nice to meet you'. However after being advised by my boyfriend (you know who you are!), he told me that even the friendliest of people even have the fear of getting rejected. I mean who knew, right? Therefore,  I decided to take my chances and talk to some random strangers. And guess what?! It worked! I have friends now.

So for those of you who are shy and get uncomfortable talking to new people, do not fear! If you don't manage to make new friends by the first week, there is always the second and third week. Just go to a random group and say hi. Believe me the first few seconds are nerve wrecking and random thoughts will be running in your head but once they introduce themselves, all the worries that you had will just disappear. So go out there, & make some new friends guys!

So.. psychology is interesting. It's just the first week of classes & I'm already enjoying this subject. But it's gonna be hard coz most of the assignments and quizzes are a must pass, meaning that I have to pass these papers (get at least 50%) to actually pass a subject. Gah.

I've also signed up for a few clubs and also be part of the psych annual ball committe! I figured that I finally should get active into something other than reading books. I mean though I am a bookworm, sometimes I rather do something else you know? 

That's all for today!

Saturday 16 August 2014

End of Pre-University!

Hey guys,

So sorry again for the hiatus. Right now, I'm back in Johor Bahru with my family. And that means busy, busy, busy. In case you were wondering, I study in KL but I'm originally from Johor Bahru. So I usually come back here when I can to see my parents and my younger brother. 

And this marks the end of my pre-university life! Cheers to me. Heh. 

I also said in my previous post that I will tell a little something about myself. Well, I'm actually an average 19 year old girl. I love to read, watch TV series and read, in case I didn't mention that earlier. I'm about to start my degree in 2 weeks! Guess what I'm going to do? It's psychology! Yeah quite a number of close friends and relatives have been wondering, why psychology? What's so interesting about it? 

I'm quite confused as well. This is the only degree that I chose, no second choices or other options. I don't have anything to fall back on, if say, halfway I decide to change my course. Till today, I'm still lost about why I'm choosing to do this. But in my heart, it feels right. Like, when I think of the future of when I become psychologist, my heart just beats faster and I like the pleasurable feeling coursing through my veins. Probably after some self-searching and contemplating I might find my own reasons for doing something that I wasn't really that familiar with. I said was not really because I first found out about psychology from Sherlock Holmes and the Kay Scarpetta series (interesting series by the way). But of course, you can't learn everything from fictional books. They just tell you whats' interesting and exciting. After some googling, I found out what psychology is all about. However, it still was not enough to provide me with solid reasons on why I chose to do this.

I'm off to contemplate! 


Sunday 3 August 2014

Mid exam post

Hey guys!

Yeah I know its been a week since I blogged. My sincerest apologies. I'm halfway through my finals now actually, I just sat for Statistics yesterday (Saturday) and will be sitting for Calculus this Thursday.

God, please bless me. Calculus isn't my favourite subject nor my strongest one. It is the weakest. Sigh. I'm actually retaking this paper. So if I fail (fingers crossed I don't!), I can only start my degree next year. Which will be a disappointment for me as I'm pretty excited about doing something I'm looking forward to.

Well, my week has actually been eventful. I met up with this family that I have been acquainted with since young but I've never really talked to them before. So I got invited to the son's birthday, and my family and I decided to attend. I had fun. This has to be one of the times I had fun at a birthday party of someone I barely know. Most of the other birthday parties I attend, I just follow my mum everywhere. Like literally. And just stare when she talks to people. I'm just shy that way. 

I also went to a relatives place for Raya open house. Yeah my mum's cousin married an Indonesian. Pretty cool, nah? I had amazing food and caught up with relatives.

The rest of my week (I was on a week holiday due to Hari Raya) was spent with my parents or with my baby cousin!

Then my finals started. My life.

Have an awesome week!

PS: I realised you guys know nothing about my personal life, where I study, where I stay etc etc. I will post something up soon!